■또한 이것은 특정 플레이어의 머리를 지급하는 등의 사용자화된 NBT 태그를 가진 아이템도 지급합니다.
■이것은 이러한 아이템을 얻기 위해 NBT 수정 프로그램을 사용할 필요가 없다는 것을 의미합니다.
■/give 명령어에 속성 수식어가 추가되었습니다(아직 완전히 연구되지는 않았습니다).
■예제: 가장 가까운 플레이어에게 +50 공격 피해를 주는 다이아몬드 검을 지급하려면, 이 명령어를 사용하세요:/give @p 276 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[0:{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"generic.attackDamage",Amount:50,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:894654,UUIDMost:2872}]}
■이것은 NBT 수정 프로그램을 사용하지 않고 명령어만으로 아이템에 추가적인 속성을 부여할 수 있게끔 합니다.
■/time set day 명령어는 시간을 0 대신 1000으로 설정합니다.
■안개 거리를 증가했습니다.
■무게 감압판은 이제 그들에게 올려진 엔티티의 양에 관계해서 신호를 내보내는데, 어떤 엔티티가 생기던 간에 1신호 세기부터 시작합니다.
■경형 무게 감압판에서는, 엔티티가 추가될 때마다 1의 신호를 증가시킵니다.
■중형 무게 감압판에서는, 1에서 시작하여 10개의 엔티티가 추가될 때마다 1의 신호를 증가시킵니다. (예시: 11 엔티티는 신호 세기를 2로 증가시킵니다)
■새로운 표토
■새로운 이형 잔디
■잔디가 여기로 퍼져나갈 수 없으며, 흙에 전파되지도 않습니다.
■섬세한 손길 도구로 수확할 수 있습니다.
■삼나무 숲 바이옴에서만 찾을 수 있습니다.
■잔디 없는 진흙
■잔디가 그 위에서 자라날 수 없습니다.
■블록 아이디는 3:1입니다.
■/give 명령어로만 얻을 수 있습니다.
■단단한 얼음
■부서졌을 때, 기존 얼음 블록이 그랬던 것처럼 물로 변하지 않습니다.
■녹지 않습니다.
■일반 얼음처럼 반투명하지 않고 불투명합니다.
■새로운 꽃
■빨강, 주황, 하양, 분홍 튤립.
■각각 빨강, 주황, 밝은 회색, 그리고 분홍색 염료를 조합할 수 있습니다.
■파란 난초
■하늘색 염료를 조합할 수 있습니다.
■자홍색 염료를 조합할 수 있습니다.
■푸른 삼백초
■밝은 회색 염료를 조합할 수 있습니다.
■밝은 회색 염료를 조합할 수 있습니다.
■장미를 대체하는 양귀비
■두 블록 크기의 꽃
■그것들에게 뼛가루를 뿌림으로써, 꽃을 수집할 수 있는 형태의 아이템으로 공급되게끔 할 수 있습니다. 즉, 모든 두 블록 크기의 꽃은 재생 가능합니다.[각주:4]
■일반적으로 동쪽을 가리킵니다.
■장미나 민들레와 다르게 자랄 수 있습니다.
■2개의 노란 염료를 조합 가능합니다.
■피오니라고 불리는 분홍 모란
■2개의 분홍색 염료를 조합 가능합니다.
■장미 덤불
■2개의 빨간색 염료를 조합 가능합니다.
■2개의 자홍색 염료를 조합 가능합니다.
■두 블록의 장초
■커다란 장초
■장초에 뼛가루를 뿌림으로써 만들 수 있습니다.
■큰 고사리
■고사리에 뼛가루를 뿌림으로써 만들 수 있습니다.
■몬스터 알의 3가지 새로운 이형
■이끼 낀 석재 벽돌, 금 간 석재 벽돌 그리고 조각된 석재 벽돌
■쓰여진 책은 지도와 같은 방법으로 복제할 수 있지만, 빈 지도 대신 책과 깃펜을 사용합니다.
■조합 격자에 쓰여진 책과 책과 깃펜을 같이 놓음으로써 여러 복사본을 만들 수 있습니다.
■아이템 액자
■이제 맞았을 때 안에 있는 아이템을 떨어뜨리며, 비어 있을 경우는 그들 자신을 떨어뜨립니다.
■가까이서 쳐다볼 때 그들이 갖고 있는 아이템의 이름을 표시할 것입니다(그들이 고유 이름을 가질 때).
■사탕수수 텍스쳐가 미묘하게 변경되었는데, 바이옴에 따라 변화합니다.
■엔티티들을 스폰하기 위한 새로운 /summon 명령어
■사용법: /summon <엔티티 이름> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
■여러 리소스 팩을 한번에 선택할 수 있는 기능
■가장 위에 있는 리소스 팩은 아래의 것보다 우선순위를 가집니다.
■소리 팩과 다른 텍스쳐 팩 등과 같이 여러 팩에서 비수동적인 텍스쳐의 병합을 지원합니다.
새로운 스냅샷과 런쳐는 런쳐 실행 시 자동으로 업데이트되므로, 매 스냅샷이 나올 때마다 다시 다운로드할 필요는 없습니다.
■New Biomes
■Mesa biome (also known as Clay Canyon or "Disco Mountains")
■Composed of multi-colored hardened clay.
■Dead bushes spawn in this biome.
■Redwood Forest biome.
■Contains 2x2 Spruce trees.
■Is shown as Mega Taiga in F3
■Has a grass block variant known as Podzol.
■Currently obtained only by the silk touch enchantment.
■Contains dirt blocks that do not allow grass to grow.
■They have a data value of 1.
■Only obtainable with /give because there is no visual difference.
■Moss Stone "boulders" are scattered around in this biome.
■Dead Bushes, Mushrooms, and Ferns spawn in this biome.
■Ice Spikes Biome
■Also known as Ice Spike Plains
■Contain giant ice spires similar to upside down icicles made of Packed Ice
■Stone Beach technical biome.
■Main block is stone.
■Like Steep hills, not completely vertical.
■It often appears between hills/mountains and the ocean.
■Cold Beach technical biome.
■Just like regular Beaches, but snow can fall here.
■Savannah biome.
■Curved Acacia-like Trees
■Generates Savanna Plateau (which have mountains) and Savanna M (which has all grass replaced with the altered dirt that prevents grass growth) technical biomes
■Along with plains, the savannah is one of the two biomes where horses now spawn naturally.
■NPC Villages may generate in savannah biomes
■Roofed Forest Biome (Black Forest biome)
■Has dark grass and giant mushrooms with 2 by 2 spruce trees.
■Has extremely dense trees and leaves; dark and dangerous under the canopy even during the day.
■Monsters will most likely be able to spawn during the day and the night.
■This is the first biome aside from the Mushroom Island that naturally spawns with giant mushrooms.
■Birch Forest biome
■Sunflower Plains biome
■Exactly the same as Plains, but can spawn Sunflowers
■Flower Forest biome
■Forest variant with several of the new flowers.
■Deep Ocean biome
■Is about ten blocks deeper than normal oceans, the maximum depth is in the low 30s
■Ocean and Deep Ocean are now floored with gravel instead of sand.
■Extreme Hills+ biome
■Contains Spruce Trees
■Possibly new generated structures.
■New "AMPLIFIED" world type
■Requires powerful computer to run.
■Mountains in this world type can reach up to Y: 256.
■Gravel beaches
■Melons now generate in Jungles
■Rivers have gravel patches and the Ocean bottom is covered with it
■Changes to oceans
■Oceans are smaller and take up much less of the map
■Oceans appear to have an all gravel floor now
■Changes to Swampland
■Grass is greener and fluctuates more in color, depending on biome temperature.
■In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt blocks.
■Biomes have been put into four main categories
■Biomes will attempt to avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different to itself
■Most biomes have uncommon/rare variations
■Alternate taiga variation without snow
■Extreme Hills+ variation that has spruce trees
■New technical biomes coded as Savanna M, Desert M, Roofed Forest M or Extreme Hills+ M, the "M" stands for mountain
■Snow now generates depending on Y level, with noise variation
■Biome dependent
■Improved fishing
■Changes to fishing mechanics
■More rewards: some good, some bad
■Treasure: 7 items total, including enchanted fishing rods, enchanted bow, enchanted books, name tags, tripwire hook, lilypads, saddles
■Junk: 11 items total, including damaged fishing rods, Water Bottles, rotten flesh, string, leather, bowl, sticks, boots or damaged boots
■Can now find other items other than fish by fishing, including enchanted fishing rods, damaged fishing rods, enchanted Bow, Enchanted Books, name tags, Tripwire Hook, Lilypads, Water Bottles, saddles, Rotten flesh, String, Leather, Bowl, Stick, boots or damaged boots
■New enchantments for Fishing Rods that can change your luck when fishing.
■Lure - increases chance of catching fish
■Luck of the Sea - increases chance of getting treasure
■New fish
■Will poison you, give you nausea, and give you hunger if eaten
■Used to brew a water breathing potion
■Raw Salmon
■Can be cooked and eaten
■New particle effects
■Fishing now has many different particle effects
■Bubbles will show up moving towards your bobber just before you have something on your hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
■Falling now has particle effects
■Particle size depends on distance fell
■Rewrite of the the achievements and statistics system
■Now ties in with the scoreboard system - added 744 new objective criteria that were previously tracked with statistics and achievements
■Are now per world/server
■Achievements screen can now be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel.
■Achievements don't appear on the achievements screen if more than five achievements need to be achieved first (i.e. "DIAMONDS!" doesn't appear until "Getting Wood" is achieved).
■Data for a block, item, or mob doesn't appear in their respective tab in the Statistics screen unless the player has crafted/placed/mined that block, crafted/used/depleted that item, or killed/was killed by that mob.
■New achievements: Repopulation, Adventuring Time, The Beginning?, The Beginning., and Beaconator
■New statistics: Distance by Horse, Junk Fished, and Treasure Fished
■New scoreboard functions
■Can now use statistics to create objectives; anything that statistics can track can be used as an objective (can also track achievements)
■This is the reason why statistics/achievements were changed to be stored per world/server
■The /give command can now give items to players with custom names and lore
■It can also give items with custom NBT tags, such as SkullOwner to obtain the Head of a specific player
■This removes the necessity to use an NBT editing program to obtain these items.
■Attribute modifiers have been added to the /give command (not completely investigated as of yet).
■Example: To give a diamond sword with +50 Attack Damage to the nearest player, use the command /give @p 276 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[0:{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"generic.attackDamage",Amount:50,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:894654,UUIDMost:2872}]}
■This enables the possibility of additional attributes to items using commands without the use of an NBT editing program.
■Command blocks now show what command it ran recently.
■The /time set day command now sets the time to 1000 instead of 0
■Increased fog distance
■Weighted Pressure Plates now output a signal relative to the amount of entities on them, always starting at 1 signal strength if any entities are present
■For Light Weighted Pressure Plates, every entity adds 1 strength to the signal
■For Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates, starting at 1, every 10 entities adds 1 strength to the signal (Example: 11 entities increases signal strength to 2)
■New ground covers
■New grass variation
■Grass can't spread on it, doesn't spread on to dirt
■Can be harvested using Silk Touch tools
■Only found in Redwood Forest Biomes
■Grassless Dirt
■Grass can not grow on it
■Block ID is 3:1
■Only obtainable through /give
■Packed Ice
■When broken, does not turn to water like normal ice blocks do
■Does not melt
■Opaque, rather than translucent like normal ice
■New Flowers
■Red, Orange, White and Pink Tulips.
■Can be crafted to Red, Orange, Light Gray, and Pink Dyes, respectively
■Blue Orchid
■Can be crafted to Light Blue Dye
■Can be crafted to Magenta Dye
■Azure Bluet
■Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
■Oxeye Daisy
■Can be crafted to Light Gray Dye
■Poppy replaced Rose
■Two blocks tall Flowers
■Applying bonemeal to them causes them to dispense a flower item that can be collected. Therefore, all two blocks tall flowers are renewable.
■Typically face East
■Can be grown, unlike Roses and Dandelions.
■Can be crafted into 2 Yellow Dye
■Pink Peonies, called Peony.
■Can be crafted into 2 Pink Dye
■Rose bush
■Can be crafted into 2 Red Dye
■Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
■Two block tall grass.
■Double Tallgrass
■Can be made by applying Bonemeal to Tallgrass.
■Large Fern
■Can be made by applying Bonemeal to Fern.
■3 new variants of Monster Egg
■Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick and Chiseled Stone Brick
■Written Books can now be cloned the same way maps can, but by using Book and Quills instead of Empty Maps.
■Can clone multiple copies of the same Written Book by putting more Book and Quills in the crafting grid.
■Item Frames
■Now drop the item inside them when punched, then drop themselves if they are punched when empty.
■Will display the name of the item they hold (if it is custom named) when looked at up close.
■Sugar Cane texture changed slightly, also changes depending on biome
■The ability to select multiple resource packs at once.
■Resource packs at the top take precedence over those below.
■Allows for non-manual merging of textures from multiple packs, a sound pack and a different texture pack, etc.
■Flint and Steel is now a shapeless recipe.
■A Creeper will explode after igniting it with a flint and steel.
■Several lighting issues fixed.
■A lot fewer "black spots" in the terrain generator.
■Torch bugs in strongholds and mineshafts have been fixed.
■Rewrite of several option screens.
■A completely new options menu.
■A new "Select Resource Pack" menu.
■Rewrote Key Config.
■Function and sprint keys can be changed.
■By default, sprinting can be activated by holding down the left control key. In Creative mode, this can also be done while flying.
■The original sprinting controls (double-tap forward or double-tap backward while holding down forward) still function.
■Smooth mouse, formerly available by pressing F8, will now use F4 by default.
■The volume of in game music, Jukebox and Note Block music, hostile mobs, passive mobs, players, weather, blocks/environment, and the master volume can now all be modified separately.
■Changed the display item for the Decoration Blocks tab in the Creative mode inventory from the Rose to the new Peony flower.
■Tall grass, ferns, double tall grass, and large ferns display their coloring from foliage.png
■Flowers will now burn.
■Iron Golems now drop poppies instead of roses.
■Dead Bushes can now be placed on Hardened Clay and Stained Clay.
Bug Fixes
■MC-2915 – Attempting to tp to an invalid coordinate returns "commands.generic.double.invalid"
■MC-9547 – Incorrect usage string for `/scoreboard teams empty`
■MC-10257 – when a pig gets struck by lightning it spawns without a sword
■MC-11280 – Sometimes Water flows out of newly generated Village Farms
■MC-11518 – RCON and Scoreboard Command Output Formatting