■White apron: Butcher (buys: raw meat, sells: cooked meat), Leatherworker (buys leather, sells leather armor and enchanted leather armor)
■Black apron: Armorer (Sells enchanted diamond armor, iron armor, chain armor), Tool Smith (sells enchanted iron shovel/pick and enchanted diamond pick), Weapon Smith (sells enchanted iron sword, enchanted diamond sword, enchanted diamond axe, iron axe)
■The disabled trade arrow now has a descriptive tooltip
■Trades are now unlocked more freely
■Updated the enchanting system
■Enchanting will now cost 1 to 3 levels, but you still need the same minimum total levels
■Additionally, there is now a material cost - Enchanting also costs 1 to 3 pieces of lapis lazuli now
■The actual enchantment calculation is the same
■One of the enchantments will be displayed in the tooltip
■The enchantments you would get on a tool will not change until you enchant something - This enchantment seed is stored per player
■Leveling up now takes longer
■Level V enchants can now appear on an item without the use of an Anvil
■Anvil costs reduced
■Renaming items will now only cost 1 level, repairing will now start out with 2 to 5 levels and tools can be repaired longer and with better enchantments, repairing costs can no longer be kept down by renaming items
■Added Slime Blocks
■Walking on it is slower than walking on Soul Sand, about the speed of sneaking
■When fell on, mobs will bounce up to 60% up again
■Prevents fall damage
■Crafting recipe: 9 Slimeballs, can also be crafted back into 9 Slimeballs
■Players and mobs that land on their top side will bounce, like on a trampoline
■Bounce rebound velocity is scaled by impact velocity
■New splash "That's Numberwang!"
■Changes to Doors (both Wooden and Iron):
■Doors can now stack to 64
■Crafting recipe now gives 3 Doors
■Boats now break (into Sticks and Wood planks) when landing on a solid surface after falling more than 3 blocks.
■/blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag> command
■Can amend and modify the NBT data of the block at specified coordinates
■Commands can now target entities via the new target selector @e
■Can specify type of entity by entity ID to either include or exclude with [type=Chicken] or [type=!Skeleton]
■Example: /kill @e[r=50,type=Chicken]
■/kill now has a target selector argument
■Can kill entities (including players) other than player that ran the command
■Because of this, /kill can now be used by command blocks
■The F3 menu now shows which axis you are facing after the cardinal direction - "Towards positive/negative X/Z"
■Block hitboxes no longer appear in Adventure mode if interaction with the block is impossible
■Block interaction is now impossible by default
■Added CanDestroy NBT tag for tools
■Mostly for use in adventure mode
■Items with this tag display the names of the blocks that they can destroy in the item tooltip
■Example: /give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]} to give a Diamond Shovel that can break grass and sand)
■/clear can now be used to clear only a specific number of items and can be restricted to certain NBT data
■Example: /clear @p 383 120 34 {display:{Name:Michael}} will remove up to 34 villager spawn eggs named Michael from yourself; Note: Maximum removal item count is not working correctly at this time
■A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tags
■Mostly useful for adventure maps in adventure mode
■NBT Tag in JSON format: {Lock:Key}, containers can be unlocked by clearing their string for Lock (changing it to {Lock:})
■The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command /blockdata
■Locked containers can only be opened while holding an item renamed to the given string
■Example: If the value of the Lock tag is "Key" ({Lock:Key}), a player will not be able to open the chest unless they are holding an item named Key
■Item is not removed on use
■Only works if the item has a custom name (default names will not work)
■Example: a chest with the tag {Lock:Diamond} cannot be opened when holding a diamond; the item held must be renamed Diamond
■Changed how testfor works. The command can now be run as a player and can test for a certain dataTag of an entity.
■Difficulty can be locked for each world
■Prevents accidentally changing the difficulty when joining the world
■Locking can not be undone
■No more global difficulty option
■Relative teleporting is smoother and no longer brings players to a stop; it preserves their velocity from before the teleport
■Some crops rebalanced
■Carrots restore 3 hunger points instead of 4
■Baked Potatoes restore 5 hunger points instead of 6
■Improved chat communication
■Messages are now either chat, system or action bar messages
■Action bar messages are always shown, chat and system messages are only shown if chat settings are configured that way
■Some instances of usernames in the chat will now show the player's UUID when hovered on when debug tooltips are enabled
Bug Fixes
■MC-349 – Villagers ignore damage values and item tags in trading
■MC-2367 – Players can place and remove arbitrary blocks in Adventure mode, breaking pre-1.4.2 maps
■MC-10046 – Random destination routine has a small statistical tendency to move more north west (fix included)
■MC-11207 – Clicking hotbar hotkey (1-9) to move a stack of items / blocks to enchanting table deletes all but one of a stack
■MC-39228 – Zombies kill villagers instead of transform them (HARD difficulty)
■MC-42174 – Chicken Jockeys causing lag on Multiplayer servers
Notable Bugs
■Water and Lava no longer flow toward the nearest drop when possible, instead always flowing outward
■Because of this, these liquids tend to spread out on slopes over a much larger surface area.
■Right-clicking a generic Villager will crash the game.
■When shooting an Arrow with a Bow, the arrow will bounce back while being in air sometimes.
특정 좌표로 순간이동하는 것이 아닌 현재 위치를 기준으로 순간이동을 하는 것을 의미합니다. 명령어상에서는 ~(현재 좌표)을 사용하죠. [본문으로]