■예시: /tellraw @a {selector:"@a[team=TeamRed]"}은 TeamRed에 있는 모든 사람을 출력합니다.
■/title과도 같이 작동합니다.
■이제 사막과 메사 바이옴의 표면에서도 생성됩니다.
■Tab 목록
■tab 목록이 체력 표시 오브젝트를 사용하고 있을 때 보다 일관되고 조금 더 예쁘게 변경되었습니다.
■또한 팀들을 같이 그룹화함으로써 팀을 취급하는 방법이 개선되었습니다.
■관중 모드
■관중 모드에서 비행 속도를 조절하면 이제 수직 속도도 조절됩니다.
■세계 가장자리
■만일 세계 가장자리 밖에 끼었다면, 주변을 자유롭게 날거나/걸을 수 있습니다. (단, 세계 가장자리 안쪽에서 바깥으로 가장자리를 뚫고 자유롭게 주변을 걸어다닐 수는 없습니다.)
■F3 디버그 화면
■"Towards Positive/Negative X/Z"로 좌표를 표시하는 방법으로 돌아왔습니다.
■블록 메타데이터
■블록들은 더 이상 메타데이터를 가지지 않으며, 이제 블록 id(동적)을 사용합니다.
■"Slime sizing was moved to a post-spawn method, so the slime's canSpawn() method would report spawnability based on the initial size, not the final size. I added a secondary check which fixes the issue."
새로운 스냅샷과 런쳐는 런쳐 실행 시 자동으로 업데이트되므로, 매 스냅샷이 나올 때마다 다시 다운로드할 필요는 없습니다.
■Can make text display on a players screen in the form of a title and/or subtitle
■/title @a times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
■Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
■/title @a title <raw json message>
■Set and start showing the title and subtitle
■/title @a subtitle <raw json message>
■Set the subtitle (optional)
■/title @a clear
■Clear titles immediately
■/title @a reset
■Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
■Now has a selector argument
■Allows to print player's names
■Example: /tellraw @a {selector:"@a[team=TeamRed]"} will print everyone who is on TeamRed
■Also works with /title
■Now generate on the surface of desert and mesa biomes
■Tab list
■Made tab-list more consistent and a little prettier when using health display objective.
■Also handles teams better by grouping teams together
■Spectator mode
■Adjusting fly speed in spectator mode now works vertically too.
■World borders
■If you’re stuck outside the world border, it is possible to freely fly/walk around (not possible to freely walk through the border from the inside though)
■F3 debug screen
■The 'Towards Positive/Negative X/Z' is back
■Block meta data
■Blocks no longer have bits for meta data, the freed up bits are now used for block ids (dynamically)
■"Slime sizing was moved to a post-spawn method, so the slime's canSpawn() method would report spawnability based on the initial size, not the final size. I added a secondary check which fixes the issue."
From released versions before 1.8
■MC-8881 – Mobs treat any layered snow as non-solid
■MC-26203 – Scoreboard: player does not appear in sidebar after setting initial score to zero
■MC-51776 – 32000 Command block character limit only works as a 16000 character limit within Minecraft
■MC-52881 – Knockback distance incorrect, depends on login order
From the 1.8 snapshots
■MC-44331 – Interacting with invalid villagers crashes the game
■MC-45303 – Surface dungeons generating without spawner, chests, and most of floor
■MC-46765 – Leaves, Block of Redstone, TNT and Glowstone cause suffocation damage
■MC-47052 – Wither destroying barrier block
■MC-48442 – Mob Dungeon spawning without floor / with broken chests / overwritten spawner
■MC-49577 – Slime spawning
■MC-50275 – Leads don't show knot on fence posts and cannot be right clicked
■MC-50323 – Chest not openable with item frame on, standing too close
■MC-50821 – Cats and dogs teleporting into leaves and rails, causing them to suffocate
■MC-50852 – /scoreboard players reset * objective clears sidebar for other scoreboard objectives
■MC-53380 – Staying outside border makes you unable to move at all
■MC-53469 – Sliders have incorrect values causing world to never be created (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive)
■MC-54164 – footstep, hugeexplosion and largeexplode particles don't appear
■MC-54381 – /scoreboard players operation doesn't work on a player that's not on a scoreboard, but also does work