■ MC-82925 - 새로운스냅샷의물약들이 no texture/missing texture 표시와함께물병으로변하던것
■ MC-82968 - 특정구역내에있을경우서버로부터튕기던것: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1
■ You can add and remove tags for any entity based on NBT tags of that entity/player.
■ For example /scoreboard players tag @a add test {OnGround:0b} will add the tag "test" to all players that are in the air.
■ Tags can be accessed by using the parameters after the selector; /give @a[tag=test] stone 1 <data-value> <amount> will give 1 stone to all players that have the tag "test".
■ You can use /scoreboard players tag <player> list to see what tags are on an entity. (Note that in this current version, you can't use tab to get "list")
■ Tags are stored in the playerdata file as strings, not in the scoreboard files.
■ This means that any tag the player binds, has to be bound to an existing online player or an existing entity.
■ Unlike objectives, tags cannot be displayed on the sidebar or anywhere else.
■ Only via the list subcommand can you see which tags an entity has.
■ Added three new objective types: XP, hunger and oxygen.
■ "xp" can be used to track the players exact amount of XP points.
■ "food" can be used to track the hunger level of the player (ranges from 0 to 20).
■ "air" can be used to see for how long the player has been underwater.
■ Starts at 300 (out of water) and then decreases 1 per tick as long as the player's head is underwater (resets when the player exits the water).
■ The water breathing effect freezes the timer and the respiration enchantment slows down the countdown each time more with each level.
World selection screen
■ Now displays a thumbnail per world showing a glimpse of the world (it takes a screenshot when you have just created or opened it for the first time in this snapshot or higher).
■ When the world hasn't been opened in snapshot 15w32b or before, or if the game couldn't make a screenshot thumbnail, there will be a gray-scale image.
■ The thumbnail will be saved in the world folder under .minecraft/saves with the name "icon.png".
■ The exclamation mark from last snapshot, indicating that the world has not been played in the current snapshot yet, will now be shown on top of the thumbnail.
■ It will also warn if a world was played in a newer version of minecraft before, telling the player that the world may corrupt, if they open it in an older version.
■ The version number will now display in red if it has been played in a newer version before.
■ The player can now click the play arrow on the thumbnail, just like a server, to open the world.
■ The corresponding mob will spawn with the assigned tags.
From the 1.9 development versions
■MC-82925 – Potions in new snapshot turn into water bottles with no texture / missing texture
■MC-82968 – Kicked from server when in certain area: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1